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Firewood and Propane
Whether for some tasty BBQ, staying warm, or just enjoying the beautiful surroundings in Nisswa, MN... we can help with that!

Buy firewood near where you will burn it- a good rule of thumb is only using wood that was cut within 50 miles of where you’ll have your fire to reduce the risk of spreading invasive insects or diseases. We cut our own wood here at Fritz's and make sure it's dry and ready to keep you toasty (or smore'sy)!
Firewood Bundle: $5
Firewood Load: $30 (7-8 bundles)
Firewood Load: $55 (14-16 bundles)

We have our own propane fill station right here at Fritz's. Whether you need to grill up some food, or stay warm through the night, we've got you covered!
#20 Propane: $19
#30 Propane: $27
#40 Propane: $36
#100 Propane: $95
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